[CS224W] Machine Learning with Graphs
2020-01 Intro
2021. 6. 14. 20:31
Graph의 정의
Graphs: a general language for describing and analyzing entities with relations/interactions
Network와 Graph의 종류
Networks (=Natural Graphs)
- Social Networks
- Communication and transactions
- Biomedicine
- Brain Connections
- Information/knowledge
- Software
- Similarity Networks
- Relational Structures
Graphs: Machine Learning
Complex domains have a rich relational structure, which can be represented as a relational graph(복잡한 도메인은 관계형 그래프로 표현할 수있는 풍부한 관계형 구조를 가지고 있음)
Applications of Graph
Classic Graph ML Tasks
- Node classification: node가 어느 class에 속할지 예측
- Link Prediction: node사이에 link가 있을지 없을지 예측
- Graph Classification: graph들이 어느 class에 속할지 예측
- Clustering
Examples of ML Tasks
Node Level
Protein Folding
AlphaFold: Solving Protein Folding
Edge Level
Recommender System
- nodes: users and items
- edges: user-item interactions
- Goal: recommend items users might like
- recommend related pins to users
Subgraph Level
Traffic Prediction
- Nodes: Road Segments
- Edge: Connectivity between road segments
Graph Level
Drug Discovery
- Nodes: Atoms
- Edges: Chemical Bonds
Choice of Graph Representations
Directed vs Undirected Graphs
Undirected Graphs
- symmetrical, reciprocal links
- examples
- collaborations
- friendship on facebook
Directed Graphs
- directed
- examples
- phone calls
- following on Twitter
Node Degrees
- node i에 인접합 edge의 개수
- directed graph에서는 in-degree(들어오는 방향)와 out-degree(나가는 방향)를 정의한다.
Bipartite Graph
- 두 집합간에만 edge가 있는 그래프
- examples
- Authors-to-papers
- Actors-to-Movies
- Users-to-Movies
- Recipes-to-Ingredients
Adjacency Matrix(인접행렬)
연결되어 있는 edge를 행렬로 나타냄
Unweighted and Weighted Graphs
Self-edge and Multigraph